Dorset Trading Standards has asked that the following information is disseminated by councils in the areas.

 There has been a confirmed outbreak of Avian Influenza (AI) at Abbotsbury Swannery. There has been a national control zone covering the whole of the UK since December that requires poultry and other captive birds to be housed where practicable

Bird flu can be passed from wild birds to poultry, causing birds to fall ill and die. It can be transmitted directly from bird to bird or via the environment, for example in wild bird droppings.

To reduce the risk of bird flu spreading from bird to bird there is currently a legal requirement for all birds to be housed or otherwise kept separate from wild birds.

This means if you keep poultry, including chickens, ducks or geese, even as pets, you must take action to prevent contact with wild birds and protect them from this potentially fatal disease.

Risks to human health are very low and bird flu does not pose a food safety risk.

Further details can be found at


11th January 2017 – Avian Influenza at Abbotsbury Swannery
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