Dorset County Council’s Family Information Service has asked that the following information is publicised as widely as possible:-

All children aged 3 and 4 are eligible for 15 hours of free childcare, but working parents in Dorset may be eligible for up to 30 hours from April 2017, this is 5 months earlier than it is being rolled out nationally as Dorset is piloting the scheme. These parents will also be the first who can apply for Tax-Free Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years (17 if they have a disability).

Each parent must earn a minimum of £115 and a maximum of £100,000 a year. Lone parents and the self-employed may also be eligible. For more details visit or contact Dorset County Council’s Family Information Service on 01305 221066.


12th March 2017 – Could your family benefit from 30 hours of free childcare?
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