Stratton Parish Council is pleased to report that Wessex Water has announced that the temporary pipe running alongside the cycleway/footpath, which starts from the Dorchester side of the A37 near the Stratton turnoff and ends under the railway bridge, is finally to be buried underground. The parish council has had discussions with Wessex Water over the past few years regarding this temporary measure and the length of time it has remained, pressing for the resolution of the problem that required it in the first place.

These works are scheduled to happen in the very near future and once completed should open the way for the footpath/cycleway to be given a much needed tidy up.  The matter was discussed with Highway Officials only yesterday as until Wessex Water finish the work, Highways cannot complete their plans to improve the stage 3 section of the footpath/cycleway running from Higher Wrackleford to Stratton.

13th August 2020 – Notice of the Removal of the Temporary Water pipe alongside the A37
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