Stratton Parish Council would like to thank all the residents who responded to the request for comments on the continued use of the playing field by owners exercising their dogs.

The issue was discussed at the parish council meeting last evening and the recommendations of the report that was presented, reproduced below, were accepted.

Response to Banning dogs on the Playing Field


In response to representations made to the Council regarding concern for children because of dogs running around the playing field and dog faeces not being removed, residents were asked their opinion on whether dogs should continue to be allowed unfettered access to the playing field or banned from it.

The options residents were asked to comment on were:

  1. a) No dogs at all on the Playing Field,
  2. b) Dogs to be allowed at all times
  3. c) Dogs only allowed at certain times of the Year. (This scheme is being used by many Authorities where dog walkers have access to public beaches).

The request for comments was circulated via the Council’s website and Facebook page,, StrattonActive and by posters on the Council’s notice boards and in the village bus shelters.

The Response

13 replies only were received.

1 on Facebook – one comment with two ‘likes’ (counted as 3).

9 by email

1 by letter

Of the 13 respondents, 11 are on the electoral roll, including one person who has now moved right away from the area.

2 respondents said they had children

8 had a dog

1 did not have a dog

4 responses were unclear as to whether they had a dog or not.

3 responses mentioned children. 10 replies did not mention children in any context.

Most of the responses (save one) were not specific with regard to the options above but making a judgement from the comments received;

Ban dogs 2 : Not to Ban dogs 11


 A great number of responses included comments about a minority of irresponsible owners spoiling things for responsible ones.

Two respondents blamed foxes for uncollected ‘deposits’. (NB Wild animal faeces do not contain parasite eggs that cause toxocariasis (Roundworm) in humans. The eggs can live in sand and soil for many months).

Dog owners will only go elsewhere so ‘problem’ not contained.

Hardly seen any children.

More children using the playing field.

Haven’t seen any dp (dog poo)

Need to watch where you walk.

Children do not clean up after their dogs.

Ludicrous to ban all dog owners and parents are responsible.

No proof dogs damaged the play equipment.

What happened to the dog ban signs from 2003?

The playing field is often flooded and unsuitable for children to play in.

Children’s health should come first

Solutions Suggested

  1. Fence off play equipment (Special dispensation would need to be obtained as no fencing is permitted by the Environment Agency because the area is a flood alleviation plain. )
  2. Section of the field to be available for dog walkers.
  3. The Council to provide another area for dog walkers.
  4. Cut back the trees around the play area so that overlooking houses can see who the culprits are.


With so few responses received there appears to be insufficient information to come to an informed decision.

  1. As the new play equipment has only been installed for a short while and with children unlikely to be using the field so often during the winter months and dark evenings it would seem appropriate to monitor the situation for the time being and revisit the issue after summer 2017.
  2. A reminder about responsible dog ownership to be promoted by the Council (via the website, etc.)

Cheryl Hobbs

10th January 2017.

13th January 2017 – Report on the Consultation Regarding Dogs on the Playing Field
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