At the meeting of Stratton Parish Council on 8th November 2022 the following were agreed as the number and value of grants the Parish Council will make this year through powers under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972.

The allocation is as follows:-

  1. Royal British Legion – £25.00.
  2. The Allotment Society – £100.00.
  3. The village Christmas tree fund – £100.00.
  4. The Heart of the Community – £50.00.
  5. The ‘Pop-Up’ group – £100.00.
  6. The Chalk Stream – £50.

A small balance remains which can be allocated if a further eligible cause comes along during the remainder of this financial year.

It is expected that the grants will be paid out very shortly.

15th November 2022 – Allocation of Section 137 Grants 2022
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