Stratton Parish Council has now taken delivery of approximately 105 saplings or whips to be planted on the playing field for the Queen’s Green Canopy .

The saplings are about 10 to 12 inches tall and will be planted using a slit method.

A slit is made in the ground using a spade, the sapling is dropped in and then the ground is firmed around it. So – no hole digging required!

Volunteers are asked to come along on Saturday19th November from 10.00am, with a spade, to help with the planting. The stakes/canes to support the growing trees will already be set out on the playing field prior to the planting to indicate where the saplings are to go.

The ground is already very wet, so it is advisable to wear wellies or other wet weather foot gear.

Although the initiative is for the Queen’s Green Canopy, the Parish Council feels it would be a nice gesture for anyone who would like to, to ‘adopt a sapling’ in remembrance of a friend or family member as a permanent tribute to their memory.

So why not come along and be part of the creation of Stratton’s history.


15th November 2022 -They’re Here!
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