Andy Aylott, SPC Chairman, has spoken to the roadmen who were checking the pump that removes water from under the railway bridge on the A37.  The information from them is that Highways are currently waiting for a special delivery of steel to arrive to repair the road.
The road surface has been cut away and a trench uncovered/discovered which is acting as a stream channel under the actual road. The roadside has been swept, and some debris removed from the pump sumps, so that the pump is now working correctly, although under heavy pressure because of the amount of water it is having to pump out.  The channel under the road, also looked like a fast-flowing river.
It is not known when this special delivery of steel will arrive as it is a one-off order. So there is no  date as yet  when the lights will come down.
17th December 2022 – Update on Traffic Lights on A37
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