The Final Push!

In 2014, we were approached by young people in the Parish who wanted to work with us to provide facilities for those aged between 8yrs. and 14yrs. such as: Zip Wire, climbing and swing equipment.

We are close to reaching our target of raising enough money for The Adventure Play area on Stratton Playing Field

Together and with your help we have already raised over £23,000 – we need one last push to reach our goal of £27,500.

A massive thank you to all those who have supported us already!

Future Funding Events

June 26th 2016 – Toy Stall – Cream Teas – Summer Fayre

July 16th 2016 – Fun Run – Playing Field

13th August 2016 – Car Wash and Scones for Home & Garden Club

2nd September 2016 – Scones for Twinning Association


Would you consider donating to our fund?

Letters and envelopes have been delivered to households in the parish and if you would like to donate, please drop any contribution into 1 The Green, Stratton, or if you would like us to pick up the envelope, please contact: Pete Jackson on: 01305 756068.

Cash and cheques accepted: Please make cheques payable to ‘Stratton Parish Council’

Any contribution gratefully accepted

Thank You

17th June 2017 – Stratton Adventure Play Area Working Group
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