Stratton Parish Council has been successful in being awarded saplings by the Woodland Trust, approximately 105 of them, to plant in the playing field as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. The types of trees coming are Hazel, Crab Apple, Downy Birch, Hawthorn, and Goat Willow, all varieties that will be able to withstand the wet/damp ground conditions to be found there. It is expected that the trees will arrive in November and Stratton Parish Council is now looking for volunteers to assist with planting them.  If you can help, please get in touch with the Council, with your contact details, either by emailing the parish clerk at, or by letter to Stratton Parish Clerk c/o 92 Weatherbury Way, Dorchester, Dorset. DT1 2EG, or by contacting any parish councillor.

Why not come along and be part of a little bit of parish history to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

22nd August 2022 -The Queen’s Green Canopy – Volunteers sought to plant trees
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