The following is a list of the achievements and activities completed by the Parish Council during the last financial year which was presented at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16th May 2017.

Completion of Adventure Play Area

Conducted a Speed Survey

Conducted a competition for a poster covering Road Safety

Investigated setting up a Community Speed Watch group

Arranged a Public Beacon event celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday

Arranged and held an Activities Fair for all Parish Social Groups

Set up a Parish Council Website

Set up financial systems to adhere to the new Transparency Code for Parish Councils

Conducted discussions with to agree/confirm best way of passing information between each other where it was required

Carried our direct maintenance work on play area on Village Green, on Village Green itself, on Noticeboards and Seat by the Village Hall, Noticeboard at Grimstone, and Bus Shelter at Manor Close

Held a Village Spring Clean event

Held detailed discussions with Wrackleford Estates re provision of allotments in Parish, and concluded a lease agreement with them

Held public meetings and encouraged the setting up of an Allotment Society

Carried out consultations over various changes to Bus services

Carried out consultations over flooding issues

Carried out consultations on sewerage on roads and private properties

Arranged with Highways Authority for creation of a Disabled Access ramp to Village Green

Arranged with Highways Authority for various road/kerb/flooding problems to be dealt with including re-surfacing work

Carried out discussions with Wrackleford Estates to create a new footpath

Organised an outdoor Carol Service in-conjunction with the Saxon Arms

Carried out discussions on a new memorial to recognise the Wrackleford Auxiliary Unit

Attended a number of County wide conferences and seminars with various Statutory Bodies

Involved with consultations regarding the Mobile Library Service

Held meetings with other Parish Councils on possibilities of sharing or combining services in future years

Had to deal with the resignation of the Parish Chairman and the unfortunate death of the Parish Clerk, and being one and at times two Parish Councillors short

Carried out consultation of public concerns on removal of Red Telephone Box

Carried out consultation of public concerns on Dogs on the Playing Field and fouling matters

Carried out consultation and involved with a Householders request to remove Noticeboards

Continue to review recommendations set out in the 2015 Parish Plan

Created two new Councillor specific duty areas – Maintenance and Communication

Liaised and discussed with Wrackleford Estates work on trees outside of the Church

Introduced a new procedure dealing with Section 137 Grants. Resulting in six grants being made

Created and adopted a Trees Policy

Met with and discussed action by a Householder on cutting back trees which belonged to the Parish

Created and adopted a Safe Guarding of Children’s Policy

Created and adopted an Equalities Policy


25th May 2017 – Stratton Parish Council Achievements 2016-2017
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