West Dorset District Council has informed Stratton Parish Council that planning permission has been granted for the construction of five two-storey dwellings with associated parking and landscaping on the land at the end of the village, adjacent to 72 Dorchester Road.

The Parish Council objected to the development on the following grounds:-

  1. Distance several of the houses were from the A37 Main road and resultant noise levels.
  2. Level of density on the site, problems with visibility and safety for vehicles entering and leaving the site.
  3. The application did not include any recognised social housing.
  4. The application mentioned garages, but that no garages appeared to be on the plans, only parking spaces.  

On planning matters, Stratton Parish Council is only a consultee with no decision making powers or right of veto.

29th January 2017 – Planning Permission for Houses Adjacent to 72 Dorchester Road
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