Representations have been made to Stratton Parish Council from both dog and non-dog owners as regards continuing to allow dogs on the playing field.

The concerns that have been raised are threefold:-

  1. Dog owners letting their animals run all over the field without exercising proper control over them.
  2. Dog owners not clearing up their dogs’ waste.
  3. Apprehension over the safety and particularly the health of children using the playing field as a result of 1 &2 above, especially now there is an adventure play area on the site.

There is a dog control order in place that applies to all designated children’s play areas and all sports pitches within West Dorset. This order bans dogs (other than assistance dogs) from any sports pitches and children’s play areas. West Dorset District Council issued this dog control order under The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 – The Dogs Exclusion Sports Order 2007 – and it came into force on March 31st 2007.

The playing field is owned by the Parish and administered by the Parish Council, and currently the Council permits dog owners with their dogs to use the playing field on the implicit understanding that dogs are in their owners control and any fouling is removed. Bags and a waste container are even supplied for this purpose, at the Council’s expense.

Residents who raised the concerns mentioned above – and also because of the recent damage to the play equipment possibly by a dog or dogs – have suggested that dogs should be banned from the playing field altogether.

As these matters have been raised with the Parish Council it is essential that they are explored and addressed. Before any decision whether to ban or not to ban dogs from the play area is taken, Stratton Parish Council would like to gauge the views of as many parishioners as possible. With that in mind and as on a previous occasion, please forward any views or comments, either by email to, by letter to the Parish Clerk, I The Rise, Stratton, or on Stratton Parish Council’s Facebook page.

The three options on which we want your opinion are:

a) No dogs at all on the Playing Field.

b) Dogs to be allowed at all times

c) Dogs only allowed at certain times of the Year. (This scheme is being used by many Authorities where dog walkers have access to public beaches).

To ban or not to ban, that is the question!





2nd December 2016 – Dogs on the Playing Field
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