Does someone near you live alone?

Do you live alone?

With winter now upon us and the possibility of inclement weather just around the corner, Stratton Parish Council is anxious to encourage residents to become ‘a good neighbour’ to those around us who live alone, are not as sprightly as they used to be or find themselves isolated.

On the whole, ours is a caring and kind community and many people already keep a friendly eye on the older residents in our midst. But with the cut backs in social services already happening and with more to come, it is even more important that we do our best to offer a friendly hand to our neighbours as there are few services available to support  those who need a little help to keep independent.

Just a knock on the door to ask if everything is alright or the offer of getting a few essentials when the weather is awful can be invaluable to someone living on their own, or a couple perhaps, who are not able to get out themselves, especially when any relatives they may have live a long distance away and are unable to visit.

It takes little to be a good neighbour but for those helped it can mean a great deal.

2nd December 2016 – On Being A Good Neighbour….
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