West Dorset District Council (WDDC) has objected to BT at the proposed removal of the working telephone in Stratton village.

Included in the letter WDDC has written to BT are Stratton Parish Council’s objections as well comments and objections from other villages who find themselves in the same position.

As yet there is no decision from BT regarding the telephone box and although WDDC has objected, the decision whether a working telephone will remain rests with BT.

The letter from WDDC to BT can be found on www.dorsetforyou.com, under planning applications with the  reference WD/D/16/002323 – Application Documents – Correspondence –Applicant/agent correspondence (LPA RESPONSE TO BT) – 23 Jan 2017 (second item down).

Should the application to keep a working telephone in the box be refused, Stratton Parish Council’s fall-back position is to purchase the box for £1 for community use.

30th January 2017 – Update on the Village Red Telephone Box
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