It has been reported to the Parish Council that a dog/dogs have been seen chewing the equipment in the adventure play area.

These reports are consistent with the damage done to the seat attached to the zip wire.

Responsible dog owners will be aware that they are liable, both criminally and civilly, for any damage committed by their animals.

Further, West Dorset District Council issued a dog control order under The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, The Dogs Exclusion Sports Pitches and Children’s Play Area Order 2007, that came into force on March 31st 2007.

The order applies to all designated children’s play areas and all sports pitches within the towns, villages and hamlets of the area of Dorset under the jurisdiction of West Dorset District Council, subject to exclusions (other than assistance dogs, not relevant to Stratton).

In general, a person in charge of a dog shall be guilty of an offence if, at any time, he takes the dog onto, or permits the dog to enter or to remain on any land to which this order applies, unless he has a reasonable excuse for doing so or the owner, occupier or other person or authority having control of the land has consented (generally or specifically) to his doing so. Penalties apply to anyone found guilty.

The full Order can be found on under The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 The Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties, etc.).

At the present time, Stratton Parish Council permits dog owners with their dogs to use the playing field on the implicit understanding that the dogs are in their owners control and any fouling by their dogs is removed. Bags and a bin are provided for this purpose.  However, this permission is reviewable and in the light of current events, with the damage caused to the play equipment and also with the health and safety of the children using the play area in mind, the Parish Council may need to consider whether this permission should be revoked.

The damage to the play area has been reported to the police and the Parish Council will continue to pursue the investigation into who is responsible and/or liable for causing it.

The Adventure Play Area has been provided for the pleasure of our children through the efforts and dedication of all the people who helped raise the money to pay for it. It is down to all of us to respect the efforts made to bring this project to fruition and to make sure, as far as possible, that the equipment is not damaged or abused.


30th October 2016 – Update on the Vandalism to The Adventure Play Area
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