Cllr Mrs Gill Slade has, with considerable regret, resigned as both Chairman and Councillor on Stratton Parish Council. Her resignation takes place with immediate effect.

Stratton Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to Gill for all the time and effort she has put into the work she has undertaken on behalf of the Council, we are very grateful to her. We are equally sure that residents of the parish would wish to join us in extending to Gill and her husband Roger the very best of wishes for the future.

As Vice-Chairman, Cllr. Cheryl Hobbs will take over as Chairman until a permanent Chairman is elected.

Owing to previous commitments over the next couple of weeks, including holidays and consequently her limited availability, Cllr Hobbs requests that any matters that residents wish to bring to the Council’s attention are, for the time being, addressed to the Parish Clerk, Mr Keith Hawkins. Councillor cover arrangements have been put in place to deal with any urgent matters and the Council asks for your forbearance in this respect.

The Council is down to 5 instead of 7 serving councillors with the obvious outcome that there are now fewer councillors to undertake Stratton Parish Council business. As a result, the resolution of issues within the council’s control, let along those outside of it, might possibly be subject to delay.

Stratton Parish Council would be very pleased to hear from any resident who would be interested in joining the Council. Anyone who would like to know more about what being a councillor entails is invited to contact any member of the council for information or an informal discussion.

3rd August 2016 – Resignation of Stratton Parish Council Chairman.
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