To date, there has been little response to Stratton Parish Council’s consultation regarding the future of the Village Telephone Box. So far, of the few (24) that have been received, only two-thirds (16) have been from parish residents and a third (8) have been from people who are not on the electoral roll and cannot, therefore, be considered as parishioners.  This number Includes couples who have responded as one, being counted as two responses.

If you have a view about the phone box, please make your comments known to the Parish Council before their next meeting on November 15th.  This can be done by letter to The Parish Clerk, 1 The Rise, Stratton, by email to: directly, via email contact from this website or on Stratton Parish Council’s Facebook page.


Stratton Parish Council cannot come to an informed decision without them.

3rd November 2016 – Few Respond to the Consultation Regarding the Future of the Village Telephone Box
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