Descriptions of Councillor Duties

To be the main point of contact for the Parish Council between the Landlord (Wrackleford Farms) and the Allotment Society (Stratton (Dorset) Allotment Society). To ensure the terms of the rental agreement are adhered to and act on behalf of (or advise) the Parish Council on any matters that arise.

Children’s Playground
To oversee regular inspections of the playground equipment and advise the Council of any repairs required. To liaise with users.

To be the main point of contact for the Parish Council and the issuing of all public announcements, with the Parish Clerk, on the Council website or via other media avenues within the Parish.

Crime Prevention
To act as the main point of contact for the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator within the Council.
To report any relevant crime prevention issues to the Council.

To be the main point of contact for information exchange with the Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils.
To attend relevant DAPTC meetings and report back to the Council on any matters relevant to its work.

To be the main point of contact for the Parish Council responsible for overseeing the finances of the Council, working with the Parish Clerk (the Responsible Financial Officer) to ensure that all financial information presented to the Council is correct and timely. To advise of any areas of expenditure which do not conform to the expected Budget provision made by the Council.

Footpaths and Right of Way
To be the main point of contact for information regarding the footpaths and rights of way through the Parish.
To familiarise themselves with the location of the footpaths and rights of way through the Parish.
To liaise with the relevant Local Authorities as necessary to respond to concerns regarding repairs or condition.

To be the main point of contact for information regarding Highways and to liaise with the relevant departments as necessary.
To familiarise themselves with the responsibilities of the relevant Local Authority departments.

To be the main point of contact for overseeing the maintenance of the Parish Council’s assets. To ensure that a programme of repairs is in place and that works are carried out to presents the Council’s assets in the best condition possible.

Notice Boards
To ensure that the information on the Notice Boards in the Parish is up to date and relevant. Also to report on the condition of the boards as necessary should repairs be required.

Social Care & Safeguarding
To be the main point of contact for information regarding the social care of residents.
To keep up to date with current policy and advise the Council of any relevant issues that may effect the residents.
To act as the nominated Safeguarding Officer of the Parish Council.

Playing Field
To oversee regular inspections of the playground equipment and advise the Council of any repairs required. To liaise with users.

To be the main point of contact for information regarding Trees and to liaise with the relevant departments as necessary.
To familiarise themselves with the responsibilities of the relevant Local Authority departments.

To be the main point of contact for information regarding Transport facilities in the Parish and to liaise with relevant departments as necessary.

Village Hall
To act as the representative of the Parish Council on the Village Hall Committee and advise the Council of any matters relevant to its work.

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